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Customer experiences

Over the years, Palkes has guided several dozen customers. A satisfied customer is our top priority! Read what our customers think of us:

It was the best fishing summer so far. The slightly already faded enthusiasm did get a new impetus from the new doctrines. The tap knot shown by Kanerva and the length of the wig shown by Petri were crucial to success and saving time. The fish came beyond expectations and lots of new tips. The course was excellently organized and the price / quality was right. The items differed and the guides had places in their possession. Lentiira also remained my own tourist destination for the future.

Markus, Kuhmo fly fishing camp

Tunnelma ja leirillä oli todella hyvä. Itse vähän jännitin alkuun, että minkälainen on ryhmän dynamiikka, mutta Petri ja Kanerva loivat todella hyvän fiiliksen kalastajien kesken, joten oli todella mukavaa ja rentoa kalastaa yhdessä. Oli myös tärkeää, että sain omaa kalastusta kehittäviä neuvoja, mutta tämä tapahtui liikoja pätemättä, mikä oli erittäin mukavaa.

Ville, Kuusingin harjusleiri

Mahtava kokemus ja hyvin viihdyin porukassa. Saitte luotua mukavan rennon, mutta innostavan ja asiantuntevan tunnelman. Homma oli teillä mukavasti hanskassa koko ajan, oli helppo olla mukana.

Arto, Kuusingin harjusleiri

Parasta oli henkilökohtainen opastus ja kaikkien toiveiden huomiointi, sekä tietenkin erinomaiset ja saalisvarmat kalapaikat. Leirillä oli hyvä meininki ja kiva porukka! Risuna ehkä se että taas pitää lähteä ostoksille, jotta saa kamat päivitettyä nymphikalastukseen sopiviksi :)

Karo, Iijoen perhokalastusleiri

Asiantuntevuus, mukavat oppaat ja omistautuminen että kaikki hyötyivät kurssista taitotasoon riippumatta. Kiitos Petri ja Kanerva ikimuistoisesta kalareissusta!

Tuukka, Kuhmon perhokalastusleiri

Välitön hyvänmielen tunnelma koko leirin ajan, mahdollisuus kysyä mitä tahansa perhokalastukseen liittyvää, kaikkeen sai kädestä pitäen opastusta. Kolmessa päivässä ehti oppimaan todella paljon ammattilaisia kuuntelemalla ja konkreettisen avun kautta! Olitte matkassa meitä kurssilaisia varten ja tiedän innostus lajia kohtaan sytytti myös leiriläisissä kipinää jatkaa harjoituksia :)

Henna, Iijoen perhokalastusleiri

Oli paras kalastuskesä tähän mennessä. Hieman jo hiipunut innostus sai todellakin uutta puhtia uusista opeista. Kanervan näyttämä tapsisolmu ja Petrin näyttämä perukkeen pituus olivat ratkaisevassa asemassa onnistumiseen ja ajan säästämiseksi. Kalaa tuli yli odotusten ja paljon uusia tipsejä. Kurssi oli erinomaisesti järjestetty ja hinta/laatu oli kohdillaan. Kohteet poikkesivat toisistaan ja oppailla oli paikat hallussa. Lentiirakin jäi omaksi matkailukohteekseni jatkoa ajatellen.


Markus, Kuhmon perhokalastusleiri

Expert and personal guidance in relation to my skill level. Although the course had many participants, I felt I had received a lot of tips and information that was “tailored” just for me.

Akseli, Karkkila fly fishing course

The camp was well planned and the Kuhmo rapids have great fishing spots. I learned a lot in the camp as the fishing guides are very knowledgeable.

Tuulia, Kuhmo fly fishing camp

A new era began for fly fishing when I learned about nymph fishing techniques on a Palkes course. Under the guidance of the guides, the making of the wig and the like went well. In addition, the best thing was the conversations about reading the rapids, that is, starting to understand where that fish can be found in the rapids, which increased the results on their own fishing trips and helped them fish smarter instead of being tossed around.

Mikko, Kuusinki fly fishing camp

There have been very well organized camps and guided tours. The guides are knowledgeable. A sense of humor is a plus. The guides are well tailored as needed.

Miia, Kuhmon and  Kuusinki fly fishing camps, private guide

The level of service has always been high and I have learned a lot of new things every time

Kari, Kuhmo and Kuusinki fly fishing camps

I myself went to the teaching session completely as a beginner. The guide managed to explain the basics of fly fishing simply enough so that the student can also understand them. Now that I have been fishing with the lessons I have learned for a year and have realized how diverse and detailed the hobby is, there has been a new need for further education.

Petri, Private tutoring

Excellent and professional service. I learned the basics in the courses and gained self-confidence, now self-sufficient fishing is easier. I also learned that fly fishing cannot be learned in an instant and there will continue to be a need for guidance. Tough professionals.

Jyri, Karkkila fly fishing course and Kuhmo fly fishing camp

A nice course where the different starting levels were well taken into account

Jussi, Kuhmo fly fishing camp

Communication was smooth, e-mails were answered quickly and comprehensively. As a novice fly fisherman, I especially found private tuition very useful, notice that fly fishing is your passion and it is also passed on to the student. I learned a lot about fishing techniques and flies as well as how to be a responsible fisherman. I think the proper handling and release of fish are important things. At the Kuhmo camp, I learned more and got to fishing places I might not have been able to go myself. You also emphasized the safety of rapids fishing very well. Safe wading, use of sunglasses, etc.

Kalle, private guide and Kuhmo soft fishing camp

I received an extremely high quality service. Everything was primate. Quite a dead end, I set off and received a very patient and inspiring guidance in a short time. It is planned to return to Petri's guidance next summer!

Emma, Private tutoring

Really knowledgeable, very considerate of the needs of the "student", discussing and advising. Petri was able to advise by twisting the iron wire and holding his hand to show why that line would not straighten but the rest would remain on the squat, the last movement that solved the problem was found, and the throws began to gain length. I also learned new lessons about rolling and also about flying a fly. And yes, there was a real need and the result was already formed on the evening of the course day when the wound ended after a nice twist. Also on this autumn's trip to Lapland, many places would not be available without a course. A big thank you to both teachers, you were GREAT.

Dani, Karkkila fly fishing course

The guidance was tailored to my skills. Was very satisfied. The experience felt like a fishing trip - not a study trip, and I was able to fish as much as I wanted and periodically.

Harri, Private tutoring

Palkes ’guidance was commendably active and thorough and well tailored to our needs. In a comfortable company, we learned the secrets of nymph fishing effectively and, most importantly, the catches clearly improved.

Pertti,  Private guidance

An excellent introduction to nymph fishing, from assembling the wig to the fishing technique itself. The lessons learned were already visible at the end of the line during the weeks following the course.

Tatu, Kuhmo fly fishing camp

A nice course where the different starting levels were well taken into account

Jussi, Kuhmo fly fishing camp

Both guides were really nice, and very knowledgeable. I think I got to learn just the right things. The feeling was relaxed and the day passed quickly.

SpongeBob, private guidance

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